Athena has provided clients with her warm, youthful sound in video games, radio commercials, e-learning visual novels, audio dramas and animation.Capable of a variety of styles and accents, Athena’s impressive range is sure to bring your projects to life!When Athena isn’t in the booth, she is streaming over at AthenaVT or playing hide and seek with her two gorgeous ragdolls, Cookie and Mochi.Want to work with Athena? Get in touch:
[email protected]

DEMOS and samples

Character Demo

Commercial Sample

Raw Studio Sample

Vtuber RP
Script by Jisoo


Get in touch

Fill out the form below, or email
[email protected]

© Athena Lee. All rights reserved.
You agree to not to use my voice for AI purposes or in the creation, distribution, or sale of NFTs.


• Neumann TLM 103
• Audio Technica AT4040
• Solid State Logic SSL2+
• 940mbps download / 45mbps upload
• Source Connect Standard
• Discord & Zoom


Feeling invisible and dealing with rejectionWe’ve all been there. You’ve got some samples and fancy headshots, and you’re ready to show the world what you’ve got. But you can’t seem to land any roles and you’re now doubting your worth and your place in this industry. How do you deal with that?I know it sounds cliche, but focus on what you CAN control. You decide how you behave, how you interact with others. You decide whether you send that email, you decide whether you tackle that audition. You can’t control how others see you, but you CAN control how you present yourself to them.Learn how to network with other voice actors and casting directors. There are some who believe networking is cold and you should build relationships instead, but successful networking IS building genuine relationships. This community isn’t naive. A lot of VAs and CDs have been in this business for a long time, and they already know what you’re trying to achieve. The difference between your attempts being ignored vs leading to new opportunities is the mindset you approach it with. Knowing how to network is a skill, but like any skill, it can be refined!On the topic of community, a lot of newer VAs see each other as rivals, and less as colleagues that can grow with you. Learn from each other, share opportunities and support each other. You’re not hindering your own growth by gatekeeping, in fact, it does the opposite! Now all of this is within reason - there is etiquette that needs to be followed, some of them unwritten, but that is a post for another time.Another thing I will say is avoid remaining stagnant. This can mean many things, it doesn’t just mean “submit auditions”. Personal growth and improvement extends to all aspects of your life. Whether that be taking that art class, tackling that PS5 game that’s been sitting in your library for 8 months, all of these are important. Your biggest hurdle in this career will be your own mind. Don’t believe me? Think about it:
That art class on analysing references and composition? It teaches you how to see beyond the surface. What else needs to be analysed in order to figure out the direction you’ll be going, what distinct takes you can make? An audition script.
That PS5 game that is fully voice acted? Well, now you have a fun and engaging opportunity to learn techniques on efforts and delivery
Of course, when financially viable you should absolutely also be investing in sound treatment upgrades or workshops/classes. Not having to worry about whether your space is up to standard takes some mental pressure off, and allows you to focus on your own journey and to embrace YOU. You are unique, and you bring your own set of life experiences and style to the table. You might be told that you sound too similar to other actors on a roster, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have your own strengths and qualities that make you stand out from the rest.Remember: what you see on social media is only the tip of the iceberg. Behind every big role announcement are the countless hours of training, hundreds of emails sent with no response, attempts and failures at collaborating where nothing has come out of it, and of course, thousands of rejections. Nobody likes to share their failures, but I assure you, even your favourite VAs had to start somewhere. They didn’t get where they were from luck alone. Sure, they might have been in the right place at the right time, but that still comes down to opportunity.Create those opportunities for yourself - each one is a chance to get noticed, and to learn something new about yourself.~ Athena